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Plants of Kairos

Healing Through Ayahuasca











An Ayahuasca ceremony is one of the most difficult journeys to embark on. The majority of participants admit that a single ceremony can be the hardest experience they have ever gone through, yet simultaneously the most rewarding, transformative, and indescribable miracles of their life. From birth, we have been conditioned by family, culture, politics, religion, economics, unhealthy diets and ideologies that impose limitations and boundaries on our consciousness and understanding of reality. Painful situations and traumas experienced during childhood and adolescence often cause negative emotional imprints to be suppressed within the cellular structure of the body causing deep-seated fears, low self-confidence, and unhealthy lifestyle habits resulting in strong disassociation with the self, family, community, and the natural world.


Through the Ayahuasca ceremonial process, the medicine can assist in revealing what needs to be healed and integrated. Often during these moments, a purging process will take place removing these energies and imprints. Yet, it will still be necessary to work towards living in harmony with the mind, body and spirit afterward as additional processing and integration is a part of the process.


Ayahuasca, also known as la purga, is a purging medicine. The healing is reached through a multilevel process of self-cleansing that penetrates down to the cellular level. It is not just the liquid that does the healing, but the spirit and intelligence of Ayahuasca, that knows exactly what is needed to help the participant.  The medicine often begins by cleansing on the physical level. One often feels the ayahuasca healing them by working through the stomach and intestines, eliminating toxins, parasites, and other illnesses. These initial processes of cleansing are commonly manifested through vomiting or defecating. Purging may also be experienced through crying, shaking, yawning, sweating, fluctuations in body temperature, and even laughing.


The next level of healing is within the emotional and psychological realms. Here the opportunity to find the true root of ones challenges in life are often revealed. This process can feel difficult as one must completely surrender and face their deep-seated fears.  As these energies and emotions are purged from the body the individual is shown how they must change to reach a harmonious balance in life. How they may find self-worth and self-love once again. Participants often report feeling lighter as the energetic baggage has left them. They may also feel like they were re-wired with new neural pathways set. Realizations are reached about the truth of one's actions and behaviors and then emotional blockages can be released.


The depth of spiritual awakening and growth during the ayahuasca healing experience can only be fully understood by direct personal experience. It is here where one can reach profound visions and astonishing realizations. At this stage with the energetic centers more fully open in the body, many participants experience ‘downloading’ divine knowledge. In this place where pure intention is set forth, one may comprehend anything and everything without thought. Here the interconnectedness of all things may be experienced, healing our false sense of separation. One may be able to pierce through the illusion of the conscious dream, able to merge with the Universal Mind, reaching a state of great balance and liberation through genuine self-awareness. 


Ayahuasca is not for everybody. One must feel a deep calling within to step forward on this path of healing. Mother Ayahuasca should be approached with the deepest and most humble respect and caution. As Ayahuasca ceremonies are being facilitated all over the world, one should do their research before committing to drink with a shaman, guide, group or any particular Center. There are many charlatan shamans and facilitators that do not have the best interest of the participants at heart. When drank in a safe and proper set and setting with experienced healers, one may delve very deeply into their inner psyche and reach profound levels of healing and transformation.



The Ayahuasca diet at Kairos

The Ayahuasca Diet


The Ayahuasca Diet is an essential component that should be adhered to in order to receive the deeper healing benefits of the ceremonial experience.  Over thousands of years, indigenous healers have acquired the necessary knowledge regarding this practice in order to experience a safe and effective journey with the sacred plant.  Participants will expand their states of consciousness with more ease by following the dieta requirements.  Although the guidelines of the dieta may differ according to various lineages of shamanism, it is best to follow the basic diet requirements to ensure ones health and safety with Ayahuasca. It is recommended to fast during the day, only eating a light breakfast and optional light lunch which allows entrance into the medicine realms with more ease.


The dieta

Eliminate the following two to four weeks before and after:


Sexual activities of any kind, including masturbation



Spicy foods

Ice, ice cream, or ice cold drinks

Refined sugars

Red meat

Junk foods

Salt or pepper (healthy salt like pink Himalayan salt is fine to use in small amounts)

Oils (Virgin olive oil, coconut oil, hemp oil are ok in small amounts very)

Animal fats

Carbonated drinks

Dairy products

Fermented foods

Caffeine & other stimulants

All street drugs (cocaine, MDMA, amphetamines, etc need to be fully eliminated 4 weeks before and after.)


Many pharmaceutical medications conflict with Ayahuasca

Please contact us to know what may need to be eliminated and how to safely come off the medications.

Shipibo tradition

History & Shipibo Tradition


Traditionally, Ayahuasca is made of two Amazonian plants, the Ayahuasca vine, and the chacruna leaves. In some areas, the chaliponga leaves are used. This sacred medicine is traditionally known by it’s Quechua name, Ayahuasca, which translates to; “Vine of the Soul” or “Vine of the Dead”. In Shipibo, Ayahuasca is known as Oni which signifies wisdom. Throughout the Amazon region, Ayahuasca goes by several dozen other names such as Daime, Yage and Caapi. Ayahuasca has likely been used for millennia. There is little written history on the subject yet there have been several verbal stories passed down through family lineage about the use and origins of this sacred medicine. Traditionally the healers of the villages would use ayahuasca to assist in healing patients of illnesses. To diagnose the root causes of the illness they would often seek assistance by other plant spirits and doctors in their visions and would be shown which plants to prescribe in order for them to heal. Some further examples of the shamanic use of ayahuasca by the village healers was to help settle village disputes, help with hunting tactics, or to help a person attract a partner for love.


The Shipibo tribes are from the Ucayali River region. The use of Ayahuasca has been present within their tribes for hundreds of years and their vast knowledge in healing and plants has been an invaluable gift to those that have worked with them. The geometric patterns that you often see in their art are also termed icaros. These icaros in their artwork of painting and embroidery also tell stories. The icaros can be read and are essentially their original language. The Shipibo culture has thrived throughout the past in the practices of fishing, hunting, medicinal plant knowledge and art such as embroidering, painting, wood craftsmanship and ceramics. The Shipibo have always had a deep connection with mother nature yet as there has been more globalization and western ideals moving into these some of these regions, their traditions, language, art and knowledge are slowly being lost. Within our work we focus in preserving their traditions by supporting their arts, traditional practices and aid in the reforestation of the local jungle.

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